Echoes of Benevolence

To the wands that cast a spell so clean,
In a world of dreams, we must convene.
Nature’s symphony and skies so green,
Northern lights, a magical, heavenly screen.

I wish to converse with the universe we see,
For its voice, in return, to set us free.
In books we read, in melodies we hear,
Fiction and fantasies, worlds without fear.

“I want to fly,” a person beseeched a bird,
The bird, with feather injured, shared its word.
They say the grass is greener on the other side,
But within, you might find the words to confide.

I watch films that make my teardrops fall,
Yearning to reside within, as I enthral.
The romantics, horrors, wonders we see,
Are they perhaps someone else’s memory?

Art and artists, a symphony entwined,
Their hearts and souls, pure and unconfined.
Colors and strokes, a beautiful melody,
Adorned, they hang, a life’s accessory.

In a world where money is the modern creed,
Our bonds, our spirits, are what we need.
To all the people in this transient scene,
It’s just paper, but the memories are evergreen.

So be kind in this life for you never know,
If the eyes couldn’t see, would you still bestow?
Upon each soul, your grace and empathy,
In this world of dreams, where love is the key.

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