Whispers of Time

In whispers of time, our stories unfold,
A tapestry woven in threads of gold.
Through joys and sorrows, we found our way,
In the dance of life, we learned to sway.

Moments we cherished, in love’s embrace,
Eternal memories, none could erase.
Yet, in the shadows, doubts did creep,
A silent rift, secrets we’d keep.

Oh, the nights we shared our dreams and fears,
In those tender hours, wiping away tears.
Did distance dim the flame that burned bright?
Or did it kindle a stronger, wiser light?

Your intellect, a beacon that drew me near,
But did it extend to what we hold dear?
In laughter and films, our souls intertwined,
A connection so rare, our hearts combined.

I wish you knew the love I held inside,
Before fate’s twists made our worlds divide.
Still, I send my wishes on the breeze,
May they find you well, at ease, in peace.

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