Anxious – 2

Out of all this failure that i felt of not scoring good (according to me and of course my relatives and family friends) i never expected to get something really valuable. I realised that yes, if i am god gifted (touchwood) with creativity then why not? Its a huge deal because Delhi University is the hype and shitt i wasn’t going to be a part of it? Not happening!! All of my friends who scored good are in Delhi University, what am i going to do? It sucks to get these thoughts but actually thats the right thing to do!!
It taught me to stand out of the crowd. It taught me to follow myself and not just my dreams! It helped me build myself to a level i could say that even though I cocked up at studies, I’m still making my parents proud!

And until recently, i dint even know i could write! And look now? Im blogging! So anything can happen if you just believe in yourself! Try exploring things you think you can never do, you never know you could be an expert in future! Do what makes you feel right about yourself! Dont listen to anybody but your heart because nobody knows you better than you! Do what you love because you will enjoy doing it and it’ll be filled with all your passion and your happiness and most importantly your HEART!

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